Payment T&Cs

Clients are able to self-fund their treatment, or arrange payment through their insurance company.

Self Funding

For self-funded clients, payment is due via BACS 24 hours prior to the session date. Please contact me directly to enquire about my current fees for 2023/2024.

Private Medical Insurance

I am an approved provider with most medical insurance companies (e.g. BUPA, Aviva, AXA PPP, WPA, Cigna, Aetna Global Benefits) but please contact me to check I am registered with your particular insurer. Please note that I am unable to take clients with insurance for Depersonalisation/Derealisation work.

Please note that clients with medical insurance are responsible for ensuring all their fees are paid in full. Some insurance companies will only pay for part of the session fees or for a limited number of sessions. Please check your particular policy for details of what they will fund.

Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to attend your appointment, please let me know as soon as possible. Sessions cancelled with more than 24 hours notice will not be charged for. Regrettably, where less than 24 hours’ cancellation notice is provided, the session will always be charged at the full rate, irrespective of the reason.

How long does therapy last for?

CBT is a short term therapy. The specific duration of your treatment is a discussion we have after your initial assessment. As a rule of thumb, I tend to offer a course of 6 initial sessions, and then review the need for more treatment every 6 sessions thereafter. An average course of CBT treatment is usually between 6 - 20 sessions, but this is tailored to individual needs. I strongly believe that coming regularly to therapy sessions helps people to get better more quickly, which is why I tend to encourage setting aside a regular time and day each week for sessions where possible.

Does my GP have to know?

All sessions are completely confidential. Some clients wish me to inform their GP and others don’t, it is up to you. For ethical and professional reasons I ask for your GP details as part of the registration process.

In some cases where your fees are being covered by your private health insurance, a referral from your GP (or with some companies, a psychiatrist) may be required by the provider to cover your fees.

I would need to speak to your GP in the rare circumstance where I became seriously concerned about harm coming to you or others around you, if you were involved in a serious crime or if your records were requested by a court. In these cases I would endeavour to discuss this with you first.

Who attends the sessions?

The therapy I provide is 1:1, so the therapy space is just for you. If couples counselling or family therapy is an approach you require, then I can help you source this support elsewhere. Towards the end of therapy, some clients find it helpful to invite their closest family/friends to join one of the therapy sessions to explain what they’ve been learning and to let them know about how best they can support them after therapy is finished. This is of course entirely up to you.

What if CBT isn’t for me?

Although specialist CBT has the best evidence base for treating anxiety and depression difficulties, it isn’t always the right approach for individuals. This is why I offer an initial a phone consultation followed by a more in-depth assessment to work out whether CBT will be a good fit with the difficulties you are experiencing. I also build in reviews with clients every 6 sessions or so to see whether the CBT approach is still working for them. If CBT isn’t for you at this particular time in your life, then you are under no obligation to continue sessions, and we can discuss what alternative therapeutic approaches you may find beneficial elsewhere.

What if I need urgent help between sessions?

In therapy, we can make a plan together about what you can do to keep yourself safe. I am not able to offer a crisis service, and therefore cannot guarantee my availability outside your session time.

For urgent support, I would recommend:

  • Attending your local A&E

  • Requesting an emergency appointment with your GP

  • Telephoning the Samaritans for free on 116 123. Lines are 24/7

  • Request free face-to-face crisis support at, online at or via text to ‘SHOUT’ on 85258