CBT for Perinatal Difficulties

I have a specialist interest in helping women who are pregnant or who have a baby to care for. In my NHS role I have worked with many women in this season of life, in specialist perinatal services and in primary care teams. As a mother, I know how challenging this period of life can be, and the ways in which pregnancy, giving birth and looking after a baby can throw into question lots of what we thought we knew about ourselves. “Mothering the mother” is something I aim to do through my CBT work with women in this stage.

Perinatal Anxiety

  • Antenatal anxiety

  • Postnatal anxiety

  • Perinatal perfectionism

  • Birth trauma

  • Tokophobia (Fear of child birth)

  • Hyperemisis Gravidarum related mental health difficulties

  • Adjustment difficulties

  • Maternal rage

  • Parenting burnout/overwhelm

Perinatal Depression

  • Antenatal depression

  • Postnatal depression

  • Baby blues

  • Baby loss/still birth

  • Miscarriage

  • Fertility struggles