CBT Assessment

I offer all of my clients a free, no obligation initial discovery call to discuss your current difficulties and to work out whether CBT might be a useful approach for you.

Cost: Free

Duration: 15 minutes

Following this phone call, if we agree to start working together, I will book you in for an in-depth clinical assessment.

Duration: 50 minutes - 90 minutes

CBT Treatment

At the end of the clinical assessment, we will agree a potential treatment plan. As a rule of thumb, I typically offer an initial course of 6 sessions of CBT, and then review at this point to discuss how many more we think we will need. Please see ‘What I treat’ page for information on problems I can help with. The average duration of a course of treatment varies from 6-20 sessions, although this is always tailored to individual needs.

Duration: 50 minutes

Clinical Reports

If you would like a detailed clinical assessment or treatment report at any point during our time together (e.g. for your personal or medical records), these are available on request. The fee will be dependent on the type of report and length of time it will take to complete. Please note, I do not provide expert witness reports for court or capacity assessments.

CBT Supervision

If you are a Clinical Psychologist or a CBT therapist and are interested in specialist CBT supervision, either as a one-off or for a particular course of work please contact me to discuss your needs. I am able to provide CTS-R ratings for professionals who are working towards BABCP accreditation.