CBT for Depersonalisation-Derealisation
In my current NHS role, I am the Clinical lead for a National and Highly Specialist Depersonalisation - Derealisation Disorder Service, where I use CBT to specifically help people who are struggling with symptoms of Depersonalisation/Derealisation, including but not limited to:
Feeling as if you are on autopilot all the time
Feeling emotionally or physically numb
Feeling like you aren’t in control of your speech/movements
Feeling like you are observing your thoughts and feelings
Feeling like you are detached from your body or parts of your body
Depersonalisation symptoms
(a sense of feeling disconnected from your body)
Feeling as if the world around you is not real
Feeling as if you are seeing the world through a pane of glass or in bubble
Feeling as if you are living in a dream or a film
Experiencing visual distortions, such as objects appearing bigger or smaller than normal/blurry/2D/artificial or having heightened awareness of your surroundings
Experiencing time distortions, such as time feeling slower or faster
Derealisation symptoms
(a sense of feeling disconnected from the world around you)